I posted earlier about my German Giant radish plant that is currently bolting. The time of season and the temperature outside has likely contributed to the plant bolting instead of developing a large root bulb. You can
read more about the plant here in this post. I posted about that almost two weeks ago. So this is a look at the flower stalk two weeks later. I had considered pulling the plant out but I figured let's see if any pollination occurs and it produces some seeds. For awhile it didn't appear that any seed pods were forming. The plant just continually produces flowers which in turn when they die fall all over the place and make a mess! The flower stalk has also gotten longer and more leggy as well as heavy which has caused it to start leaning over. I really wanted to pull it out again but I noticed something quite interesting today. It appears to be a seed pod but looks kind of alien-ish. Of course it could just be my lack of knowledge about radish seed pods too but take a look.
Radish Seed Pod
I expected a smaller seed pod. This one looks very swollen in a way where it's almost about to burst. Hence the alien pod comment... But it's exciting though to actually get some seeds. It currently is the only seed pod on the plant. The plant is huge now and bursting with endless flowers.
The radish flower stalk
Above is a picture of it. It's a bit hard to see with the trees in the background. I should also note that I'm holding it up with one hand because otherwise it would be leaning far over to the right instead. But as you can see there are just stems of flowers growing everywhere from the stalk. And sadly the one lone seed pod. I did quick research on radish seed pods and discovered that some people actually eat them. It seems they may go good in salads and are known to have a spicy taste similar to radishes. Interesting. I won't be eating this one though. I'll let the seeds mature, hopefully, unless it ends up falling off prematurely.
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