Ah Spring continues! Well, I suppose as of 6/20 it is now Summer... but my plants continue to bloom! Most recently is my peace lily. I've actually had this plant for several years. It has surprisingly grown blooms every year too. I'll be honest, I probably need to take better care of this plant. It has grown many new plants and really needs to be re-potted and possibly even divided into separate plants. That is a task that might be on my task list in the near future. I'll let the plant finish flowering before then though. The variety of of peace lily that I have is of the variegated variety as you can see from it's leaves. Interesting with this variety, the leaves are not smooth with the rubbery texture like the solid green leaf variety. A funny thing about the peace lily is that it'll really let you know when it needs to be water. The entire plant will droop very dramatically if the soil dries out. Drooping doesn't necessarily mean that the plant is in any dang...
Sometimes you have to make due with the space you have. Not everyone has a large garden or wide open spaces to grow plants. This blog focuses on gardening in pots... or capsules (in a sense)!